About the Lieutenancy
Royal Garden Parties

Every summer The King holds at least three garden parties at Buckingham Palace. Continuing a tradition started by Queen Victoria in the 1860s they are a way of recognising and rewarding people who have made a significant contribution to the life of their community. Each garden party takes place in the afternoon and is attended by several members of the Royal Family. They are among the most relaxed and informal of Royal events. Afternoon tea and other refreshments are served, and there is a rare opportunity to stroll in the extensive Palace gardens.
It is not possible to apply for a garden party invitation directly, and the numbers attending from each county are strictly limited. The Lord-Lieutenant is asked to put forward the names of suitable people to attend each year, and she is keen to recommend deserving people from throughout the county and across all walks of life.
If you are aware of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community and who would appreciate an invitation, please contact the Lieutenancy Office so that they can be considered.